شباط/فبراير 24, 2017مميزات النحافة – أنابيب حلزونية مسورة وطريقتان للاتصال
شباط/فبراير 24, 20171, أنبوب مربع معيب لأن المعالجة ليست في مكانها الصحيح, سوف يكون المظهر هناك الكثير من مواطن الخلل, وستكون هذه النتوءات بمثابة خدوش بسيطة جدًا على سطح الأنبوب, لذلك ظهرت طريقة تحديد الهوية الأولى, there are many scratches on the exterior of the Is the quality of the poor.
2, Defective side tube manufacturers in order to reach a large negative public service will increase the amount of product processing when the reduction, and this will result in products of fine and low cross-ribs, so if you find such a situation, then the best side do not buy.
3, Residual side tube is basically not able to reach the standard specifications, so when you buy with a professional ruler about the volume can be briefly resolved.
4, So called square tube is because the cross-section of the pipe is square, and poor side of the pipe in this regard is not in place will make the pipe section of the oval-shaped cross-section.